-Christopher Marlowe
Doctor Faustus is the story of a great scholar who
decides a little magical mojo will cure his ennui. He has to sign his soul
over to the devil in order to get that mojo working'. Marlowe was writing,
a Protestant church reformer named John Calvin had developed a theory about
human salvation called Predestination. This theory said that each human being
was fated from the beginning of his or her life to be damned or saved. It
raised questions about exactly how much control a person had over his or her
own salvation.
Faustus grapples with this same
question at the beginning of the play, and eventually arrives at the shaky
conclusion that he's damned no matter what he does. The way he handles this
belief is the subject of the rest of the play. All along characters like the
Good Angel and the Old Man try to convince Faustus that he does have
a choice; they insist that he can repent and turn to God again. Are they right?
That's a question only you can answer, because Marlowe is annoyingly coy.
Doctor Faustus, a respected German
scholar, is bored with the traditional types of knowledge available to him. He
wants more than logic, medicine, law, and religion. He wants magic. His
friends, Valdes and Cornelius, begin to teach him magic, which he uses to
summon a devil named Mephistopheles. Faustus tells Mephistopheles to return to
his master, Lucifer, with an offer of his soul in exchange for twenty-four
years of having Mephistopheles and all his knowledge of magic at his beck and
call. Mephistopheles returns to Faustus with a contract for his soul, which
Faustus signs in his own blood. As soon as he signs the contract, words appear
on his arm, which give him doubts about what he has just done. Mephistopheles
calms Faustus' doubts by giving him valuable gifts and a book of spells to
Later, Mephistopheles answers
all Faustus' questions about the nature of the world, and refuses to answer
only when Faustus wants to know who created the universe. This sets off yet
another series of doubts in Faustus, but Mephistopheles and Lucifer quiet those
doubts by bringing in the seven deadly sins in human form to dance for Faustus.
Mephistopheles then takes
Faustus on a wild chariot ride through the heavens, landing in Rome, where
Faustus torments Pope Adrian for his passing judgment on a rival pope by making
himself invisible, stealing Pope Adrian's food and smacking his ears. He
becomes famous for this and is invited to visit the German Emperor, Charles V,
who is the enemy of Pope Adrian. Faustus impresses the emperor by conjuring up
an image of Alexander the Great. One of the emperors' knights’ sneers at
Faustus' magical powers and Faustus punishes him by making antlers sprout from
his head. Meanwhile, Robin, the clown of Faustus' servant, Wagner, has picked
up some magic on his own and, with a stable hand named Rafe, uses his new
magical skills to get free booze, and even summons Mephistopheles, who
threatens to turn them both into animals. Their misadventures add to the comic
relief of the play.
Faustus travels to England,
where he sells an enchanted horse to a horse dealer. When the man rides his new
horse over water, it turns into a bale of straw. The Duke of Vanholt hears
about this and invites Faustus to visit him and his wife, the duchess. The
horse dealer shows up, along with Robin and Rafe, vowing to get even. Faustus
casts a spell of silence on them so they cannot speak of his wrongs, and sends
them on their way, which amuses the Duke and Duchess of Vanholt.
the end of his contract approaches, Faustus begins to dread his impending doom,
and has Mephistopheles call up Helen of Troy so that he might impress a group
of his colleagues. An old man urges Faustus to repent and turn back to God, but
he sends Mephistopheles to torment the old man, and drive him away. Faustus
then summons up Helen again so that he might immerse himself in her ancient
beauty. But time grows short. Faustus, filled with dread, confesses his
misdeeds to a group of his colleagues, who vow to pray for him.
On the final night of his
life, Faustus is overcome by fear and remorse. He begs for mercy, but it is too
late. The clock strikes midnight and a group of devils enter Faustus' study to
claim his soul. The next morning, his colleagues find his body torn limb from
limb, and decide to give him a proper burial.
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