Saturday, 3 September 2016

To The Lighthouse

Respected Sir,
          2) Yes, this novel found both the tribute and critique of Mrs. Ramsay. Mrs. Ramsay’s character is like typical woman, kind hearted mother and wife and also ideal Indian woman. If we talk about Lily’s painting, in her painting, she represents a struggle against gender against convention. So, when we compare character Mrs. Ramsay with Lilt Briscoe, we can say that Lily is a free minded woman and always thinks for her own freedom.
          3) We can interpreted that Lighthouse stands for the symbol of Mrs. Ramsay because she is a good wife and mother also. She takes care of every person in the house and she gives enlightenment to her family. She is center of this novel and other characters are surrounded her. So, as Lighthouse is central figure of the novel, Mrs. Ramsay is also in the center of the novel.
          6) Lily Briscoe lives in dilemma because her wish to portray a picture of Mrs. Ramsay by her painting. Here, Lily introduces as an artist. She is a free minded and always thinks for her and therefore at the end, she may be realized that – for her, right place is to paint and she wants to build up her career not wants to live in four walls but she wants to come out of it. And at the end, she proves herself as an artist.
          9) “Army and Navy” stands for capitalism and consumerism and also connected with shaper of culture. It is connected with the catalogue which is signified the world war. James cutting the refrigerator, it shows the negative thing to cut by seizer which is not good sign.

                             THANK YOU…….